Growing for Good: Accelerating Europe's Sustainable Food Transition
Agricultural traders serve a crucial function as intermediaries between farmers and food industry players. By extension traders therefore have a critical role in the implementation of the EU Green Deal and Europe’s transition towards a more environmentally sustainable economy. How did the agricultural trade industry manage recent EU Green Deal policies? What do they need to deliver a reliable supply of sustainable food and feed for the benefit of EU consumers and the agricultural sector?
This event is a part of the Growing for Good series, hosted by The Financial Times Live in partnership with Corteva. This high-level exclusive discussion and knowledge sharing opportunity will provide a platform for trade representatives from various sectors, farmers and policy thought leaders to discuss and present best practices and changes needed for traders to better support the wider value chain in delivering a green food system. Together with the other events of the series, focused on the food industry and farmers, these circular discussions will explore and inspire innovative and collaborative strategies on how to transition towards a more sustainable food system.
The event will be hosted under ‘Chatham House Rule’ to allow for a free flowing conversation between the panel and the invite-only high level audience.
Don't miss hearing from
The EU's Green Deal
How did the agricultural trade industry manage recent EU Green Deal policies?
Aligning the sustainability transition through traders
From a trader's perspective, what incentives should be put in place in order for farmers to implement sustainable practices?
Accelerating the transition
What do they need to deliver a reliable supply of sustainable food and feed for the benefit of EU consumers and the agricultural sector?
Also part of the Growing for Good Event Series
The food industry’s vital role in delivering the EU’s climate objectives
20 September 2023, De Warande, Brussels
The farmer’s vital role in delivering the EU’s climate objectives
12 December 2023, De Warande, Brussels
Missed Event 1? Watch the highlights video
Take a look at the highlights from the first event, the food industry’s vital role in delivering the EU’s climate objectives, which took place on 20 September. Senior food industry, agriculture sector and policy thought leaders gathered together to discuss how to navigate challenges for the food industry that have arisen from the implementation of the EU Green Deal.
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